Monday, March 29, 2010


Since no one likes getting accounts, we're going back to anonymous commenting. The lack of commenting on posts is quite disturbing. Have at it.


Chris said...

I tried figuring out how to set up an account but couldn't figure it out...glad it's easier now.

Anonymous said...

the schedule was supposed to be released today. Who is surprised it wasn't?

Anonymous said...

yeah, tough to keep an entire 2 week block wide open from conflicting things...a schedule would be nice...if they know how many teams registered, you can make the draw up in advance and just plug in the teams...not that tough...

Anonymous said...

They also try to accomodate scheduling requests from teams wherever possible so maybe it's tougher than you think. Remember that these people are volunteers. Perhaps you could offer your services.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

unless if they dont know how to use computers, it takes only a few hrs to do this, we need time to book work off too so we can play in the tournament

Anonymous said...

good point.

Anonymous said...

They just should not take requests from teams for schedule purposes. Its really unfair. Teams with out of town players get all the primetime friday night and saturday afternoon games. If they want to have out of town players thats their problem.

Anonymous said...

Your team must suck then. teams with all regina players aren't really near the top.

Anonymous said...

He makes a good point though...leaving 30 teams in the dark for a schedule to accomidate what? 5 players? maybe 10 at the most?

Like he said, if there are players that want to play in the tournment from out of town, let them...just don't bend over backwards for them on everyone else's account.

Matt Whittingham said...

I'm in Winnipeg. I need to book time off. Lets post the schedule this weekend.

Anonymous said...

nope sorry. its unavailable

Anonymous said...

I am almost 100% certain it will be out today.

Anonymous said...

If this tournament only had Regina players it would suck balls. The only reason it has decent level of play is cause of the out of town players. Regina soccer is brutal and just watching Regina players would be like watching paint dry.

Anonymous said...

It's cool to have out of town question about it, but to as someone pointed out above it's ridiculous to put every (the ones that pay the bills for the tourney for the most part) on hold to accommidate a few people.

Anonymous said...

Regina players is what makes this tournament, 3/4 of the players are base and playin regina all year round--get your facts straight before you start flapping

Anonymous said...

the schedule should be out may be this weekend ot by monday i hope, 1st day games were anounced but they are all going to be boring, how can Columbia open up the tournament agains ROI? should have been agains Canada and see this hyped canadian team, then gets worse with youth games and the Women game at last, opening celemony 6:30 then 7:15 first game

Anonymous said...

Regina players make the tournament? If the tournament was only Regina players it would be like watching Regina league games, BORING! The only thing that makes this tournament good is out of town player show up and it keeps Regina players on the bench. Quit whining and actually make a few accomodations for players who travel 3 - 4 hours to play. It really isn't a big inconvenience for Regina people so quit whining.

Anonymous said...

hahaha buddy, how can u say regina league games are boring. I understand yea some teams are not filled with top level players but every team has a couple if not many really good players. The tournament is based out of Regina so it should be scheduled according to randomness so that there are as little politics involved as possible. If you have a problem with that start a Mini World Cup in Prince Albert and see how far that goes. I'm sure both of your best players will be there and it would be GREAT to watch. How are u trying to knock Regina players and say they are bad, there are far more good players in Regina in comparison to players outside of Regina, with the exception of maybe Saskatoon which all those players leave during the summer anyway.... Again the tournament is based in REGINA

Anonymous said...

"With the exception of MAYBE Saskatoon". Did you really say that? Hahaha, Regina is light years behind Saskatoon. Shoot, the only reason Regina has more top players than the other Cities is because of the population. Even then, you put PA, Lloyd and NB together and they would crush Regina. Same goes if you put Yorkton, Estevan, Swift and MJ together in the south. The only thing Regina has going for it in this tournament is it is in Regina. If it was in White City, most of the Regina players wouldn't go because it would be too far to drive.

Anonymous said...

no way would P.A.,Lloyd and NB beat Regina, nor would Yorkton,Estevan,Swift, and MJ
the only reason why Yorkton mens team competes because they take players from Saskatoon and Regina to make themselves competitive in the PSL, and not to mention they are fortunate enough to get Kevin from Winnipeg.

Anonymous said...

None of the smaller cities have ever been better than regina or saskatoon. they come to tournaments and get crushed(except yorkton but when you filter everything towards the unbeatable beno it would make any team look better than they actually are)

Anonymous said...

Will someone be able to post the sched here when it's up? The WCP website seems to have too much old info and you can't tell if it's updated or not.

Anonymous said...

yeah when you click on some of the links on the WCP Cup site it redirects to 2008 stuff...

Anonymous said...

Haha, so you say Yorkton beat you because of 1 guy. Accordign to your logic, Regina gets beat by one guy. Man you guys suck. You don't hear Sasktatoon teams whining about losing because of 1 guy.

My rating of Sask soccer cities:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Man I can't believe how retarded that comment was. Regina and Saskatoon will always be at the top based on pure statistics you fucking idiot. I can't believe you think rural sask has any I have to be the one to call you on this rubbish. I'm sure everybody else reading the blog will agree.

Anonymous said...

If the tournament was all regina based players you would still come and watch but if your from saskatoon you obviously believe your league is number 1 this argument is retarded.

Anonymous said...

Im coming from Greece to help them out since they suck and I need to book off work ASAP

Anonymous said...

anyone know when the schedule is coming out

Anonymous said...

the other website is brutal...if anyone gets info on the schedule post here asap!... thanks to whoever created this blog, it would be nice to see some comments about the ladies teams too

Anonymous said...

Saskatoon didn't even have enough players to make up a team half the time let alone a decent team in my age group in the past 5 years. I went to nationals more then one time in fact it was 3 years in a row and the only competition to go was maybe one team, we had to play mens at that point just to have teams to play in the season. So how can regina not have any talent? I guess the saskatoon players took their soccer skills and went to play tennis.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe some of the comments that go on here. You're missing the idea of the World Cup - for the teams have as much heritage content as possible. If that involves bringing in a few players from other cities, so be it. There are good players all over the province so stop pissing in each others' sandboxes. I thought some of you sounded like a bunch of 10 year olds, but realized that a 10 year old would have better spelling and grammar.

Anonymous said...

It saddening to see the difference between the blog from previous years to this year; I hate to admit this... but the blog has lost some of its controversy without that idiot Julio and his winggirl Illegal Alien

Anonymous said...

No comments about the woman's WCP cup because Woman's soccer is a joke! I rather watch paint dry than watch the girls play in this tournament. Please don't kill this thread by commenting on it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where is it?

Anonymous said...

in your email

Anonymous said...

Ya does the rsa or whoever, ever change or update the actual site?...

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

nothing in my e-mail...our coach is on holiday's right now (assuming he's the one that would get the e-mail...), so are we going to have to wait until he's back or can someone take 1.3 seconds and copy and paste it onto one of the blog's/facebook pages/websites? You'd think they'd want it out there so they can build up some hype and get some people coming out to the games...

scott.myrah said...

Actually the boarded league is soccer. Even if its not 11v11 its still soccer, just a fun change from the real thing. I believe there is a pro indoor league almost everywhere around North America so it can't be that bad of soccer. Im pretty sure both Saskatoon and Regina are just as capable as playing soccer so why don't we talk about something relevent to the tournament?

Al Ligator said...

What's wrong with you people? Are you really arguing over Regina and Saskatoon soccer? My god. It's like a retard convention.

Anyway, the schedule IS out. I know when I play. The people who run the website are awful, and they haven't put it up. I suspect they're too busy making most of the above comments.

Anonymous said...

Dude...can you (or someone) e-mail a copy of the schedule please? I'm self employed and need to start scheduling my work for the next couple weeks! It baffles me why this schedule needs to be so secretive...

Clock Cleaner said...

Instead of waiting for the website to post the schedule, I'll just put it up here, and I'll get the day by day previews going soon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you guys want some quality Regina soccer games. Watch Div 3 Mens. There's even an Under 18 team in the semi finals for that league.

Anonymous said...

Um they are 2nd last place but they somehow got into the semi finals. I saw their playoff games and they show they can play in that style of play. You gotta keep in mind that some of these kids played in the half field and now have to player quarter of a field. I think they did well in the playoff run.

Anonymous said...

agreed...this thing should be heavily moderated due to appearent maturity issues, or at least build in sensors to alert the admin's of abusive/offensive posts, etc. This blog is great for info and to help build up some hype, but a few posters are ruining it with immaturity.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you for sure. This tournement is supposed to be about bringing cultures together, not further dividing them. These ignorant posters clearly don't understand the reasons for this tournement and that's unfortunate.

I come on here to see what's expected of the other teams and see which games are worth watching.

I got my teams schedule, and most of the opinions of the teams on here has nothing to do with the soccer, so I have no reason to come on here any more either.

Clock Cleaner said...

Last year I took the blog away from anonymous commenting, and everyone got mad. No one commented, and barely anyone read the blog. So figure out what you want.

It's easy to make an account, so make an account and quit commenting anonymously.

Anonymous said...

in order to create an account you must have a google account with a google e-mail. If you don't have a gmail account it's an absolute pain in the ass. I have enough e-mail addresses...don't need another one just to chat on here for 2 weeks a year...create a generic chat forumor something with user id's or something that are more universal if you want better participation.

Clock Cleaner said...

That is absolutely wrong. This is my Hotmail address.

Actually try it before assuming things.

Anonymous said...

oh sick burn

Anonymous said...

I did...not sure what I was doing wrong, but I entered my hotmail addy and it didn't work....

Clock Cleaner said...

I don't know what you're doing wrong. All I can tell you is that I do not have a gmail account, yet here I am.

Anonymous said...

hey cleaner can u pls clean all the other shit going on in group previews too, that would make this site more interesting, there things on there wich u should have taken care of rite away, have a lot of friends and couldnt even tell them what i just read about them, pls do it asap