Monday, November 5, 2007


Once the WCP Cup starts to heat up again, I'll start making new posts.

Feel free to comment on the previous post.


Anonymous said...

I heard that Botswana is goin to be a powerhouse team this yr

Anonymous said...

whats this i hear about there being a 3 game suspension for switching teams?

Anonymous said...

botswana suck

Anonymous said...

i also heard about that 3 game suspension thing. not sure if it's true or not.

Botswana will not be a powerhouse.

Anonymous said...

botswana improved last year .. i really wanna c how they will do this year..... i heard laos has a good team this year the added depth to there roster they should be a strong team .......waite wat am i saying botswana sucks lol hahhaha

Anonymous said...

LAOS !!!!!!!!!!! ALL DA Way!!!!!

Anonymous said...

heard laos is gonna suck this year. no strength.

Anonymous said...

hahaha right right let the laos hater hate cus dat alll u guys did last year and how did they do hahhaha

Anonymous said...

you prob a botswana fan lol hahahaa how did they do last year??? yeah they sucked how did laos do they got fourth dats right

Anonymous said...

not a botswana fan. why would i be? and laos got fourth. that's not that good. why couldn't they win?

Anonymous said...

wats ur team england lol germany
or did u jump on the the norway train lol or waite rep ireland

Anonymous said...

England will be good. They're getting better players and a keeper I think. They're really tough too.

Anonymous said...

I heard Portugal is picking up some good players from Portugal

Anonymous said...

yeah i heard ronny torres was picked up by england

Anonymous said...

portugal i say was the cheapest team in the tourny

Anonymous said...

ugh ronny on england?
danny marchenko is on ukraine too.

el salvador is distributing their players i guess

Anonymous said...

wow!!!I think the big mystery here is,""""Where is Rony Torres playing?????? What team??????

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Rony, he's over-rated. I will explain how to stop him, all you have to do is give him a push or two and he starts whining and complaining. You then keep giving him a little shot each time right before the ball gets to him and he gets so flustered, he will spend all his time whining to the ref and trying to cheap shot you.

Anonymous said...

Ronny never attacks the net anyway, he spends all of his time on the outside never taking the opportunities that are staring him right in the face, just put a moderate defender with some speed on the outside, he will end up passing the ball becuase he is too scared to do something with it.

Anonymous said...

man just waite ronny torres will show u haters up

Anonymous said...

ya watch when he loses the ball and he just stands there like an idiot with no defensive mind at all. whatever team he plays with will down fall because he is "the star" and doesn't pass. sorry england looks like your hopes are as good as getting into euro 08

Anonymous said...

hhaha haters watch ill show u fools up-ronny torres

Anonymous said...

i heard ronny torres sucks!!!

Anonymous said...

clearly ronny isn't a garbage player if you are all talking about him. If he never did anything then why would this argument be happening? besides.. england would be the best team on paper whether or not they have ronny. If you guys are so good, how come we aren't talking about you?

Anonymous said...

overall Ronny is a great player but you are right when sayin that he gives up when he gets flustered. all this trashtalking is doing is giving him more reason to go out there to take over every game he plays. Remember he didn't do well last year with ES so he's gonna have something to prove this year.

Anonymous said...

i agree.
ronny torres is a great player.
it's your guys' bad if you can't take it that someone else is better than you...
bunch of babies.
it's okay LADIES if you feel jealous.