Saturday, November 5, 2011

WCP Cup 2012 Groups
Womens Division
Group A
1. Ukraine
2. Italy
3. EL Salvador
4. Netherlands
5. Poland

Group B
1. Germany
2. Chile
3. Canada
4. England
5. Ireland

Mens Division
Group A
1. Ireland
2. Sudan
3. Scotland
4. Botswana
5. Serbia
EDIT: 6. Somalia

Group B
1. Laos
2. Colombia
3. Jamaica
4. Afghanistan
5. N.Ireland
6. Canada

Group C
1. Poland
2. Nigeria
3. Portugal
4. Germany
5. Vietnam
6. Hungary

Group D
1. EL Salvador
2. France
3. Norway
4. Italy
5. South Korea
6. Greece

Previews to follow in the coming days!


Anonymous said...

Team Scotland Men's is starting to train this Wednesday. We're looking for skilled players to add to our rebuilding process (we already know of a few players that aren't returning for sure). E-mail me if you're looking for a team or interested in coming out.


Anonymous said...

ukraine isin't in this year? i mean yorkton?